Common Port Numbers on Computer.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for the global coordination of the DNS Root, IP addressing, and other Internet protocol resources. This includes the registration of commonly used port numbers for well-known Internet services.
The port numbers are divided into three ranges: the well-known ports, the registered ports, and the dynamic or private ports. The well-known ports are those from 0 through 1023. Examples include:

20 & 21: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
22: Secure Shell (SSH)
23: Telnet remote login service
25: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
53: Domain Name System (DNS) service
80: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) used in the World Wide Web
110: Post Office Protocol (POP3)
119: Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
143: Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)
161: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
443: HTTP Secure (HTTPS)

The registered ports are those from 1024 through 49151. IANA maintains the official list. The dynamic or private ports are those from 49152 through 65535. One common use is for ephemeral ports.

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