Cloud storage has undeniably become a hugely important part of our daily lives. Now that we’re connected via multiple devices, having access to our files anywhere and everywhere is fast becoming a necessity instead of a luxury.
But the cloud comes with its own risks: you’re reliant on a third-party server and, especially now, there’s always the risk that the privacy and security of your data are compromised. If these issues often play on your mind, pClouds may just be the cloud storage solution for you.
PClouds is a personal cloud service that, instead of using a third-party cloud server, it links and uses all of your already existing devices and storage. Why opt for this model over traditional third-party cloud storage solutions? Firstly, the security and privacy of your data is preserved. Secondly, you don’t need to pay for extra cloud storage, since pClouds uses your own storage.
Getting Started With PClouds
PClouds is still in beta, so if you’re interested in trying it out you’re going to have to apply to join the beta program.
Since pClouds doesn’t rely on a third-party server, you’re going to need pClouds installed on all the devices you want access to. You also need to be logged in on these devices, and yes, you need to be connected to the Internet.
Here’s how signing in looks like on OS X:
Once you’re signed in, all linked devices should appear as folders on your desktop.
PClouds Features
Since pClouds links entire devices and not just specific folders, one of the big benefits of pClouds is that all the folders on all your devices are accessible through pClouds.
This lets you transfer files and folders directly from one device to another, instead of having to upload a file to a cloud storage service and then download it onto the device you wish to transfer to.
The pClouds app for mobile devices has its own file explorer, too. This makes moving, deleting and copying files easy, even on your iPhone and iPad.
As with any application in beta, pClouds isn’t without some limitations. Firstly, it’s currently only available on Mac OSX and iOS. There’s also a Linux version, but it’s only usable via the terminal for now. Rest assured, though, that Windows and Android versions are part of the development roadmap.
Another limitation is that pClouds doesn’t have any collaboration features. Like Android and Windows versions, though, these features are in the pipeline and should be integrated into the service sooner rather than later.
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